Shells Pasta with snails, leek, porcini mushrooms salad and lime

Product combined with the recipe

Maruzze Scatola 16 cf

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 350g of shells Leonessa Pasta
  • 1 kg of snails
  • 700g of leek
  • 300g of fresh porcini mashrooms
  • 1 Lime
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Salt to taste
  • Rosemary


Clean and wash for several times the leek. Cut it into julienne strips, and boil it in water for 10 minutes. Then, drain and fry in a pan with olive oil and rosemary. Blend all until you get a smooth sauce. Meanwhile, in a pan with garlic, olive oil and chilli, fry the snails for a few minutes. Remove the shells and keep them aside. Cook the pasta in boiling salted water. Drain al dente and add it to the leek sauce. Cook until creamy. Serve with snails and porcini mushrooms, previously cleaned and cut into julienne strips and seasoned with olive oil, salt, pepper. Guarnish with grated lime. Wine Suggestion: A very pleasant dish rich in nuances between land and sea, with mushrooms and leeks.The wine suggestion that comes to mind, is a wine with a slight aromatic note that goes well with the lime. It is an island wine, in which you get a net scents of earth and sea, and herbs. It’s a Ischia Bianco white wine. 500g Trilli di Vallesaccarda Leonessa, ½ Coniglio, 1 Carota, 1 Cipolla, 1 stecca di Sedano, 1 spicchio d’Aglio, 10g Funghi porcini, 3-4 Pomodorini del piennolo, 1 bicchiere Vino bianco, 10cl Panna, 100g di Pioppini puliti, Tartufo nero, 10 cl Olio d’Oliva, Sale fino e pepe q.b., stravecchio di Bruna Alpina (sostituibile con un buon Grana ), Rosmarino, Finocchietto.

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