Scialatielli Pasta with green beans, pesto and lemon

Product combined with the recipe

scialatelli Confezione 250gr

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 600g of fresh Scialatielli Pasta Leonessa
  • a slice of 500g of scabbardfish Fish
  • 200g green beans
  • 40g Basil Pesto
  • 1 lemon
  • 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil


Wash the beans, remove the two ends and cut them into pieces of about 2 cm. Boil them for 6 minutes and then cool them in ice water. Remove the layer from the silver fish using a scraper or blade of a knife. Season with olive oil, salt, a slice of lemon and bake at 160 ° C for about 15 minutes. Then get the pulp and cut into cubes. Apart, in salted water, cook the pasta. Drain it and keep some of the cooking water apart. Cream all in a large pan with the beans, the fish, pesto and the some cooking water. Serve and garnish with grated ½ lemon

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